New normal for businesses in Latin America: 5 tips on adapting to a hybrid work model

The COVID-19 pandemic has been a wake-up call for everyone. It upheaves the way most business partnerships are traditionally formed in Latin America. For instance, the preference for face-to-face interactions or personal touches has been ignored in favor of safety measures. Increasingly, managers and HR are opting for digitalization. What does it take for corporations …

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8 habits of happy and healthy expats living in Latin America

An expat’s life is certainly an adventurous one. It requires leaving one’s home country and moving somewhere new. Stepping onto the plane marks the start of a whole new reality – one that can change everything. However, where you’re headed also makes a huge difference. Every country is unique in its charms, challenges, and culture. …

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5 challenges every expat faces when taking a new job overseas

Congratulations on your new job overseas! It’s a beautiful feeling knowing that you’re about to embark on a thrilling adventure as an expat. But don’t get too carried away, as you’re bound to come across some challenges along the way. As an expat, you’ll need to learn about the local population’s customs, mannerisms, expectations, language, …

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Insurance underwriting process: what is it and how does it work?

You’ve likely heard of the term ‘underwriting’ before, especially in relation to insurance. But, do you know what it entails? Every potential policyholder looking to buy insurance will have to go through an insurance underwriting process. It assesses your risks to determine an appropriate premium. Read on for Pacific Prime Latin America’s rundown of the …

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