Terms of Use
Pacificprime.lat is owned and operated by to Pacific Prime Insurance Brokers Limited, Agente de Seguros, S.A. de C.V (Pacific Prime Latin America) whose registered office is Lago Zurich 2019 floor 12, Ampliación Granada, Miguel Hidalgo, Zip Code 11529, Latin America City, and operating under the trading name of Pacific Prime Latin America. All Pacificprime.lat content is owned/licensed by Pacific Prime Latin America.
Use of this website is permitted with your agreement to comply with and be bound by all of the following Terms of Use, as well as our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy, without reservation. These Terms of Use and our Privacy Policy govern all use of and access to pacificprime.lat. From here out, "we", "us", and "our" shall refer to and represent Pacific Prime Latin America, while "the/this website" shall represent pacificprime.lat along with its pages, text, images, and content. It is important that you read the following disclaimers as they affect your use of this website.
You may not access or use this website if you refuse to be bound by these Terms of Use. Terms and Conditions may at any time be revised, and all revisions become effective immediately. Any continued use of this website shall be considered to be an acceptance of the newly revised Terms and Conditions. You furthermore accept the posting of any amended Terms and Conditions by us to this website as sufficient notification of any such change, as revisions may be made without direct notification to you.
Pacific Prime Latin America Remuneration
Pacific Prime Latin America is remunerated for its services by the receipt of commission paid by insurers. Your agreement to proceed with insurance through us shall constitute your consent to the receipt of commission by us.
Availability and Accuracy
Pacific Prime Latin America does not guarantee defects to be remedied or a virus-free website if technical matters interrupt or cause errors in attempts to access this website. All content and information on this website was accurate at the time of publication, and sourced and collected from publicly available locations. Any materials provided are on an 'as is' basis. None of the information, content, tools, materials, or uploaded articles on this website constitute an official offer of insurance to you.
Any use of materials on this website is done so at the user's own risk and we are not liable for any damage caused to property, loss of data, computer viruses, infections or any other forms of malicious software as a result. Should an unauthorised third party edit or alter any content or material on this website we will accept no liability for such damage caused. We do not make any representation regarding the full functionality or reliability of the materials on this website.
Maintenance or any other necessary repairs may limit or suspend access to the website without warning or notice to you. Complying with local laws that are applicable to you in the use and access of this website are your responsibility and you are forbidden from making any prohibited transactions of products or services offered on this website.
Pacific Prime Latin America will not be held liable should any of your own content or material be lost when uploading it through this website. We do not offer a guarantee on the availability or the provision of any suggested product, and retain the right to withdraw or reject an application for any policy. Any errors found on this website cannot be used to hold Pacific Prime Latin America liable for any direct or indirect economic losses or loss of revenues, data, profits or damage suffered.
No Advice
This website does not provide advice of any kind whether personal, financial or medical, and no information on this website is sensitive to your specific financial or insurance state. Information on this website is for general use only and is not suitable for diagnostic purposes, or to cure or treat any medical condition. Discuss with your doctor if you have any questions regarding a medical condition. You are recommended to seek independent advice concerning your position before using the information from this website.
Website Links
Pacific Prime Latin America makes no representations about any other websites that you access through this website or websites that link through this one. Links may not be made to this website without approval from us - please make requests by emailing [email protected].
Links accessible through this website are to locations that may not be under the control of Pacific Prime Latin America, and you understand that all dealings with third-party website operators shall be on the terms and conditions of the third-party operator. Visiting any external links is done so at your own risk. Terms and conditions found on third-party websites may not align with the ‘Terms and Use’ for use of this website, and we are not responsible for any loss or damage suffered through the use of those websites or their pages.
Ownership and Limitation of Use
Except with the expressed permission of Pacific Prime Latin America, you are not allowed to upload, post, publish, reproduce, transmit or distribute in any way any component of this website itself or create derivative works with respect thereto. No part of this website may be displayed in public in any form without our consent. All intellectual property rights of this website belong to, or have been licensed to Pacific Prime Latin America, its associated companies and affiliates. It is an infringement on the rights of the licensee should any person use any image, logo, name or trademark licensed by Pacific Prime Latin America. The “Pacific Prime Latin America” name and logo are trademarks and property of Pacific Prime Latin America.
Comments posted onto the pages or under content on this website are property of Pacific PrimeLatin America and may be used without payment or notification to you. Intent to deny service to or corrupt, damage, or otherwise interfere with any pages on the website shall result in the necessary legal action to protect our website and intellectual property rights.
If you choose to use this website to obtain insurance quotes for your immediate family this must be done with their full consent. Queries on pricing related to insurance transactions may be carried out for immediate family members and friends.
Users agree to indemnify Pacific Prime Latin America for any and all loss suffered and for any costs incurred as a consequence of any breach of these Terms and Conditions. We are entitled to enforce this right at any time, even after the immediate event, in respect of any such breach or any subsequent breach of these Terms and Conditions.
Applicable Laws and Jurisdiction
These Terms of Use shall be governed and construed in accordance with English Law. In the event of controversy or dispute arising from the use of this website, you agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the English Courts. Pacific Prime Latin America retains the right to bring proceedings against you for breach of these Terms of Use in your country or residence or any other relevant country.
Anti-spam Policy
We have a strict policy against spamming. Spam is unsolicited email, or UCE (Unsolicited Commercial Email). We forbid the sending of mass emails or unsolicited emails of any kind. Only by sending emails to those who have requested to receive it are you following accepted permission-based email guidelines.
No message filtering system is 100% accurate and, from time to time, legitimate messages will be filtered-out. If you believe this has happened to a message you have sent, please advise the message recipient by another means. If you suspect that Pacific Prime Latin America has been used by someone to send spam, report the activity to us at [email protected] and we will investigate the matter further. We may amend this anti-spam policy at any time by publishing a new version on this website.
Confirmation of Insurance
Submission of your information does not constitute an acceptance of your request or confirmation of an offer. We will communicate when your offer to purchase a product enters our records, and whether your request is accepted or rejected. Notification of confirmation of any insurance policy may be issued electronically or on paper. A binding contract is not reliant upon you receiving a notification on paper.
The information on products and services offered on this website are not comprehensive descriptions of the final terms and conditions, or precise cover provided by those products and services. The relevant terms and conditions for each individual product you wish to purchase will be provided either physically or electronically. The particular terms and conditions of any product on offer shall prevail over contradictions with the ‘Terms and Use’ agreement of this website in regards to the policies and insurance of that product. Before cover can be processed or confirmed it is necessary for you to fully and faithfully inform us of everything you know, or could reasonably be expected to know that will be relevant while requesting an insurance policy.
Online Transactions
This website allows you to make online purchases. No online transaction is final until you are sent an electronic confirmation of your process. In instances where electronic documents cannot be delivered for technological or legal constraints, a physical document will be posted to you. A communication of your acceptance of an offer and your confirmation of payment is required to finalise the process before you are notified of the confirmation.
We are not responsible for loss of communication as a result of mechanical, software, computer, telecommunications, or electronic failures. Should your confirmation of payment not reach you as a result of these failures Pacific Prime Latin America is not liable to you in any way for loss or damage caused. It is your responsibility to inform us if you cancel or change your email address and to ensure it remains capable of receiving new emails and notifications.
Pacific Prime Latin America will not be liable if the email address you have provided is inactive or is part of an expired account. We may retain the credit card details you provide only for as long as it is necessary to facilitate transactions. We hold the right to refuse to process transactions at any time and for any reason to the extent permitted by law, and will not be held liable for damage or loss caused as a result.
Purchase and Payment
When you request for a quote on this website it will be provided to you electronically at no financial cost. If you choose to accept the quote and the relevant terms and conditions, and complete every required field in regards to your details, you are permitted to request your desired product. Based on the information provided by you, your request will then be accepted or rejected. Should the application be accepted and successful, a binding insurance agreement will be created for you.
The due date for all purchases must be met before transactions can be confirmed. Only credit cards accepted by the website will be permitted for use in online transactions and the following details will be required: Credit card type, full name on credit card, credit card number, and expiry date.
It is your responsibility to ensure all details and information provided to this website in relation to payment are accurate and contain sufficient funds to clear the cost of the purchased product or service. A binding insurance will only be presented after a successful charge against the credit card used in the transaction and the receipt of payment by Pacific Prime Latin America.